Project activities
Gathering knowledge and developing a code of conduct on decent labour standards in the steel sector, creating contact lists of social partners in the regions.
Development of a website, creation of promotional video materials + information days.
Launching an information campaign - best practices in social innovation as part of the decent work programme.
Implementation of consultation online meetings of project partners, with the participation of an expert from Norway.
- Study visit to Norway for four people (2 days).
- Common code of conduct - sectoral labour standards, best practices and employee survey, two online partner meetings.
- Internet platform, promotion of decent working conditions.
- Information campaign in the form of a regional pilot competition for the best innovation laboratories in social dialogue to optimise decent work standards in the metal and steel sector.
- Media promotion activities, online campaign newsletters and video promotion.
- Improvement of the legal and political framework for a decent approach to social dialogue and collective agreements.
Develop a model action plan for the promotion of decent work standards - specialised work and partner work, including a training programme.
Conduct 5 workshops for employees, occupational health and safety professionals in enterprises - 100 people in total, improve national legislation, action plans at the policy level.
Organise a conference on cooperation for 40 people - strengthening the policy framework for a decent approach to social dialogue and collective bargaining.
Develop an online training programme and online units for 20 people.
Conduct 5 training sessions x 20 persons (100 persons in total) for staff from enterprises, trade unions and tripartite dialogue.
Implementation of competence training for 40 representatives of social partner organisations.
- One online competence training programme with three units and video materials for social partners.
- Test online training for 20 people.
- Decent work training programme for social partners and professional staff, five training courses for employees.
- Programme of training in social partner competences - 40 people representing social partners.
- number of trained employees: 120 people, including 20 trained online;
- a number of trained representatives of social partner institutions: 40.